Using GEOS as library

Reading mapsources

class geos.mapsource.MapLayer(tile_url=None, min_zoom=1, max_zoom=17)[source]

The layer object contained in a MapSource.

A MapSource can contain multiple layers. A layer contains all information on how to access the tiles.

  • tile_url – URL to the tiles which {$z}, {$x} and {$y} as placeholders.
  • min_zoom (int) – minimal zoom level at which the layer is active
  • max_zoom (int) – maximal zoom level at which the layer is active
get_tile_url(zoom, x, y)[source]

Fill the placeholders of the tile url with zoom, x and y.

>>> ms = MapSource.from_xml("mapsources/osm.xml")
>>> ms.layers[0].get_tile_url(42, 43, 44)
class geos.mapsource.MapSource(id, name, folder='', bbox=None)[source]

A MapSource contains Meta-Information of the map. Additionally it can hold one or more MapLayers which contain the information on how to access the tiles.

static from_xml(xml_path, mapsource_prefix='')[source]

Create a MapSource object from a MOBAC mapsource xml.

  • xml_path – path to the MOBAC mapsource xml file.
  • mapsource_prefix – root path of the mapsource folder. Used to determine relative path within the maps directory.


The Meta-Information is read from the xml <id>, <folder>, <name> tags. If <id> is not available it defaults to the xml file basename. If <folder> is not available if defaults to the folder of the xml file with the mapsource_prefix removed.

The function first tries <url>, <minZoom>, <maxZoom> from <customMapSource> tags within the <layers> tag. If the <layers> tag is not available, the function tries to find <url>, <minZoom> and <maxZoom> on the top level. If none of thie information is found, a MapSourceException is raised.

Return type:MapSource
Raises:MapSourceException – when the xml file could not be parsed properly.

Get the maximal zoom level of all layers.

Returns:the maximum of all zoom levels of all layers
Return type:int
Raises:ValueError – if no layers exist

Get the minimal zoom level of all layers.

Returns:the minimum of all zoom levels of all layers
Return type:int
Raises:ValueError – if no layers exist
static parse_xml_boundary(xml_region)[source]

Get the geographic bounds from an XML element

Parameters:xml_region (Element) – The <region> tag as XML Element
Return type:GeographicBB
static parse_xml_layer(xml_custom_map_source)[source]

Get one MapLayer from an XML element

Parameters:xml_custom_map_source (Element) – The <customMapSource> element tag wrapped in a <layers> tag as XML Element
Return type:MapLayer
static parse_xml_layers(xml_layers)[source]

Get the MapLayers from an XML element

Parameters:xml_layers (Element) – The <layers> tag as XML Element
Return type:list of MapLayer
exception geos.mapsource.MapSourceException[source]

Load all xml map sources from a given directory.

Parameters:maps_dir – path to directory to search for maps
Return type:dict of MapSource
geos.mapsource.walk_mapsources(mapsources, root='')[source]

recursively walk through foldernames of mapsources.

Like os.walk, only for a list of mapsources.

Parameters:mapsources (list of MapSource) –
Yields:(root, foldernames, maps)
>>> mapsources = load_maps("test/mapsources")
>>> pprint([x for x in walk_mapsources(mapsources.values())])
  ['asia', 'europe'],
  [<MapSource: osm1 (root 1), n_layers: 1, min_zoom:5, max_zoom:18>,
   <MapSource: osm10 (root 2), n_layers: 1, min_zoom:5, max_zoom:18>]),
  [<MapSource: osm6 (asia), n_layers: 1, min_zoom:5, max_zoom:18>]),
  ['france', 'germany', 'switzerland'],
  [<MapSource: osm4 (eruope 1), n_layers: 1, min_zoom:1, max_zoom:18>]),
  [<MapSource: osm2 (europe/france 1), n_layers: 1, min_zoom:5, max_zoom:18>,
   <MapSource: osm3 (europe/france 2), n_layers: 1, min_zoom:1, max_zoom:18>,
   <MapSource: osm5 (europe/france 3), n_layers: 1, min_zoom:5, max_zoom:18>]),
  [<MapSource: osm7 (europe/germany 1), n_layers: 1, min_zoom:5, max_zoom:18>,
   <MapSource: osm8 (europe/germany 2), n_layers: 1, min_zoom:5, max_zoom:18>]),
  [<MapSource: osm9 (europe/switzerland), n_layers: 1, min_zoom:5, max_zoom:18>])]

Printing maps

Module for printing maps / exporting them as pdf

exception geos.print.MapPrintError[source]
geos.print.add_scales_bar(img, bbox)[source]

Add a scales bar to the map.

Calculates the resolution at the current latitude and inserts the corresponding scales bar on the map.

  • img (Image) – Image object to which the scales bar will be added.
  • bbox (TileBB) – boundaries of the map
geos.print.download_tile(map_layer, zoom, x, y)[source]

Download a given tile from the tile server.

  • map_layer (MapLayer) – MapLayer object which provides the tile-url.
  • zoom (int) – zoom level
  • x (int) – Tile-x-coordinate
  • y (int) – Tile-y-coordinate

temporary file containing the downloaded image.

Return type:



Convert dpi (dots per inch) to dpmm (dots per millimeter)

Parameters:dpi (int) –
Returns:dots per millimeter
Return type:float
geos.print.get_print_bbox(x, y, zoom, width, height, dpi)[source]

Calculate the tile bounding box based on position, map size and resolution.

The function returns the next larger tile-box, that covers the specified page size in mm.

  • x (float) – map center x-coordinate in Mercator projection (EPSG:4326)
  • y (float) – map center y-coordinate in Mercator projection (EPSG:4326)
  • zoom (int) – tile zoom level to use for printing
  • width (float) – page width in mm
  • height (float) – page height in mm
  • dpi (int) – resolution in dots per inch

Bounding box of the map in TileCoordinates.

Return type:


>>> str(get_print_bbox(4164462.1505763642, 985738.7965919945, 14, 297, 150, 120))
'<tile min: <zoom: 14, x: 9891, y: 7786>, max: <zoom: 14, x: 9897, y: 7790>>'
geos.print.get_tiles(map_layer, bbox, n_workers=16)[source]

Download tiles.

  • map_source (MapSource) –
  • bbox (TileBB) – Bounding box delimiting the map
  • n_workers (int) – number of threads to used for downloading.

Dictionary mapping coordinates to temporary files.


    (x, y) : <FileHandle>

Return type:

dict of file

geos.print.print_map(map_source, x, y, zoom=14, width=297, height=210, dpi=300, format='pdf')[source]

Download map tiles and stitch them together in a single image, ready for printing.

  • map_source (MapSource) – Map to download
  • x (float) – map center x-coordinate in Mercator projection (EPSG:4326)
  • y (float) – map center y-coordinate in Mercator projection (EPSG:4326)
  • zoom (int) – tile zoom level to use for printing
  • width (float) – page width in mm
  • height (float) – page height in mm
  • dpi (int) – resolution in dots per inch
  • format (str) – output format. Anything supported by E.g. “pdf”, “jpeg”, “png”.

path of temporary output file.

Return type:


geos.print.stitch_map(tiles, width, height, bbox, dpi)[source]

Merge tiles together into one image.

  • tiles (list of dict of file) – tiles for each layer
  • width (float) – page width in mm
  • height (height) – page height in mm
  • dpi (dpi) – resolution in dots per inch

merged map.

Return type:



Conversions between WGS84, Cartesian, Mercator and TMS coordinates and bounding boxes, useful for converting geographic view ports as generated by Google Earth to TMS bounding boxes

class geos.geometry.CartesianCoordinate(x, y, z)[source]

Represents a coordinate in a geocentric Cartesian coordinate system

class geos.geometry.GeographicBB(min_lon=None, min_lat=None, max_lon=None, max_lat=None)[source]

A bounding box defined by two geographic coordinates

class geos.geometry.GeographicCoordinate(lon=None, lat=None, height=0.0)[source]

Represents a WGS84 Datum

  • lon – longitude in degrees
  • lat – latitude in degrees
  • height – height in meters above the surface of the earth spheroid
class geos.geometry.GridBB(zoom, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y)[source]

A bounding box defined by two grid coordinates

class geos.geometry.GridCoordinate(zoom, x, y)[source]

Represents a position in a worldwide grid.

Yields:GridCoordinate – the four tiles of the next zoom level
class geos.geometry.MercatorBB(_min=<class 'geos.geometry.MercatorCoordinate'>, _max=<class 'geos.geometry.MercatorCoordinate'>)[source]

A bounding box defined by two mercator coordinates


Converts EPSG:900913 to tile coordinates in given zoom level

class geos.geometry.MercatorCoordinate(x=None, y=None)[source]

Represents a coordinate in Spherical Mercator EPSG:900913

class geos.geometry.RegionCoordinate(zoom, x, y, log_tiles_per_row=0)[source]

Represents a region containing multiple tiles in a worldwide grid of regions.

A region is a square containing multiple tiles, e.g.:

 -- --
| 1| 2|
 -- --
| 3| 4|
 -- --

A region must contain at least one tile and each row must have a power of two of tiles. The size of the region is specified with log2(tiles per row per region), e.g.

  • log_tiles_per_row = 0 means 2**0 = 1 tile
  • log_tiles_per_row = 2 means 2**2 = 4 tiles per row, thus 16 tiles per region.
  • zoom (int) – clear.
  • x (int) – clear.
  • y (int) – clear.
  • log_tiles_per_row (int) – size of the region as log2(tiles per row per region).
  • to be at least 0 (needs) –

Get all TileCoordinates contained in the region


Yields: GridCoordinate: the four tiles of the next zoom level

class geos.geometry.TileCoordinate(zoom, x, y)[source]

Represents a coordinate in a worldwide tile grid. (aka the google-system)


Get the tile resolution at the current position.

The scale in WG84 depends on
  • the zoom level (obviously)
  • the latitude
  • the tile size


Returns:meters per pixel
Return type:float

Yields: GridCoordinate: the four tiles of the next zoom level

geos.geometry.bboxiter(tile_bounds, tiles_per_row_per_region=1)[source]

Iterate through a grid of regions defined by a TileBB.

  • tile_bounds (GridBB) –
  • tiles_per_row_per_region – Combine multiple tiles in one region. E.g. if set to two, four tiles will be combined in one region. See kml module description for more details. Leaving the default value ‘1’ simply yields all tiles in the bounding box.


If the number of regions would not be an integer due to specification of the tiles_per_row_per_region parameter, the boundaries will be rounded to the next smaller or next larger integer respectively.

Example: We have the following bounding box with size 2x2 and set tiles_per_row_per_region = 2, delimited by the coordinates (x, y):

(5,5)--- ---
    |       |
    |       |
    |       |
     --- ---(9,7)

Although this could be represented in one single region with two tiles per row, it will create four regions:

(2,2)--- ---         (5/2 = 2.5 -> 2, 5/2 = 2.5 -> 2)
    |   |   |
     --- ---
    |   |   |
     --- ---(5,4)    (9/2 = 4.5 -> 5, 7/2 = 3.5 -> 4)
Yields:Tuple – all tuples (x, y) in the region delimited by the TileBB
geos.geometry.griditer(x, y, ncol, nrow=None, step=1)[source]

Iterate through a grid of tiles.

  • x (int) – x start-coordinate
  • y (int) – y start-coordinate
  • ncol (int) – number of tile columns
  • nrow (int) – number of tile rows. If not specified, this defaults to ncol, s.t. a quadratic region is generated
  • step (int) – clear. Analogous to range().


all tuples (x, y) in the region delimited by

(x, y), (x + ncol, y + ncol).
